
So I won a night at a five star hotel in Stellenbosch last weekend.  On the way we stopped at a distillery to do a chocolate, brandy, coffee tasting. We also went on a tour where the cooper played an amazing tune on his barrel and showed us how barrels are made (although machines have mostly taken over the initial stages). It also happened to be the one time of the year that they were distilling in the ceramic stills brought from France.

Then we went and checked in and lounged around drinking expensive wine. We had a walk on the property before dinner and were possibly the first guests to ever do this, hence our muddy shoes not fitting in. There was a huge wedding on, so Dan and I were the only guests in the restaurant.

After too much breakfast, we headed across the valley and had walk in the hidden valley where we saw two black eagles circling overhead.

Published in: on June 14, 2012 at 4:56 pm  Comments (1)  

Our mountain

Published in: on June 9, 2012 at 8:06 am  Leave a Comment